BlueVoda is the best deal on the market!

Just want to say WOW on BlueVoda website builder.  I have used other wysiwyg software in the past and truly never found them to be that great for me. Well, I tried BlueVoda and as I said WOW. I do not do web designs for a living so I don’t remember even a quarter of what tags to use. BlueVoda allows me to get creative and not worry about all the special tags that I would need to know to do the kind of job I can do with BlueVoda. And there is NO WAY I can justify the prices of the big bloated tools for the amount of use I would (not) put it to.

Sorry if I sound like an ad, but hey it’s true, what can I say.

In fact I liked the product so much I bought….no not the company (I wish) but the longer hosting with Vodahost and will definitely be continuing to use it. I am still playing having fun and learning the features. I like the mouse over feature. The main index page of my site was originally designed by a professional Web Designer using FrontPage. It cost me a bomb to hire him, I finished the job myself in two days, using BlueVoda. He took a month. As you will gather from this report I am very exited by this software and I must confess also, it is fun to use. I should also say that the company has a forum which is excellent, lots of help and advice which is fast and free.

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